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Noel Leeming: Making good on our EV commitments

n3 Supplier Noel Leeming, part of The Warehouse Group, is taking great steps toward constantly improving sustainability. Below, they update some measures they are taking to improve their sustainability and encourage their customers to be sustainable.

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Three key devices to make flexible working work for you

Many businesses are moving toward more flexible working arrangements. There are a huge range of tech options available that can help ensure a seamless transition and a consistent working experience, Noel Leeming has some great tips on devices you should consider for flexible working.

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Modern Office

Trends of the Future Office – 2021 and Beyond

At a time when workplaces have changed dramatically across the globe, there has been a shift in the way that people think about offices and work environments. Office furniture experts Modern Office are here to help, read more about the shifting workspace here.

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Protecting your livelihood starts with business insurance

With the COVID-19 pandemic subsiding and confidence returning to the market it’s a good time to consider the state of your business insurance. With a range of business insurance options out there for SME operators, it can often be difficult finding the right options for you. Click below to find out more.

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Are flexible workspaces the way of the future?

What is the future of the physical workplace? And what does a flexible workspace look like. Office fit-out specialists Modern Office give us an insight to what the future of workplaces may look like, and what businesses should consider when moving to flexible working.

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